Home cleaning tips and tricks

While cleaning receives a lot of attention around Spring, it’s a year-round task that takes up a lot of effort. Some of us find it quite a therapeutic task, others think that it’s a time-consuming chore they’d rather not do. For seniors, it is often difficult to keep a home clean, tidy and well organized as it often involves some type of physical labour. However, there are some home cleaning tips and tricks that you can follow to make the process easier.

Make a checklist

Cleaning can sometimes be overwhelming, which is why it’s important to get organised before tackling the task. A good tip is writing down a to-do list where you break down the tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. For example, you can make a list of every room that needs to be cleaned and assign it to a certain day of the week. Scheduling cleaning sessions is a great idea to ensure that nothing is missed. By doing so, you will also keep your house clean on a regular basis.

Eliminate clutter

It’s easy to accumulate things through the years. However, a cluttered house can often feel chaotic, unorganised and even dangerous! It is said that your thoughts are a reflection of your surroundings, which is why it’s important to keep your space clear of junk. Decluttering your home doesn’t have to be done in the space of one day. On the contrary, we recommend setting some time aside each day to tackle it one room at a time. When deciding on what to keep and what to throw away, you will often stumble upon items that bring back treasured memories. To make it easier, we suggest organising the items into four piles: 1.To keep, 2. To throw away, 3. To donate, 4. To give to family.

Use the right tools

Using the right tools when you clean is crucial to make the whole process a little more trouble-free. For example, using a broom to clean hard-to-reach surfaces such as bathtubs or countertops can help prevent back pain. You can also make use of your dishwasher for more than just pots and pans. You can place your grandchildren’s toys, certain home décor items such as vases as well as air vents. However, before you do, make sure that you turn off your dry cycle so that your items don’t melt from the heat.

Ask for help

Finally, you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help, especially if you’re not feeling well enough to tackle the task. Getting your family and friends to help is a great way to take some weight off your shoulders. It also gives you a great excuse to spend time with them and create memories. Alternatively, if your family and friends aren’t available, you can always rely on professional cleaning services.

These home cleaning tips and tricks should help in keeping your home looking pristine so you can feel great living in it!
