Live independently in retirement

Many people dream about their retirement. They can’t wait to sleep in and fill their days doing whatever they want to do! They deserve a chance to live a life of luxury after working so hard their entire life.

Unfortunately, many people struggle during their retirement. As their health goes downhill, they start to lose independence and life becomes less enjoyable.

Some considerations for maintaining independence are very helpful as you head into senior years. Here are some ideas…

Move into a smaller home. Many people still live in their homes where they raised their children. Although the familiarity is comforting, these homes become too cumbersome for just two people. The upkeep is a burden and no longer achievable. In addition, they are also usually not very friendly to ageing knees or reduced mobility.

By buying a smaller home (with less land), you will have more time on your hands to enjoy doing whatever you want! You may even want to consider a retirement community offering more opportunities for socialising with friends and trying new activities.

Stay active with your friends. As people age, they get together with their friends less. This often leads to depression and weight gain. For this reason, you should make sure that you spend time with your friends regularly. It is important for your mental health.

You don’t have to do much – just get out of the house and enjoy time together. You can go to the movies, out to lunch, a walk around the block, or a round of golf. Incidental chats with people in our community are a vital component to our feeling of wellbeing.

Get the help that you need. If you are struggling with a few tasks around your home, get help. Stop trying to do everything yourself!  In fact, with some help, you might find that you can live by yourself even longer.

Get someone to help with the grocery shopping or hire a cleaning lady to come in once a month for the things that you can’t (or don’t want to) do. You will be glad that you did.

Some people are able to live independently throughout their lives, even though you might need a little help. You might want to look into a retirement community or village where you can spend time with your friends. They also have plenty of activities to keep you active.

