The best indoor plants to add greenery to your home

One of the easiest ways to jazz up your apartment here at Glenvale Villas and make it feel like home is by adorning it with house plants. Plants have a unique ability to bring liveliness and a relaxing energy to any space. Whether you decide to put them on a windowsill or in a shaded part of your living room, they can improve the air quality in your house and also your general wellbeing.

With that said, not all plants are created equal when it comes to staying alive indoors. Some thrive in apartments, while others live their best life out in the open. Here are some of the best indoor plants to add greenery to your home!

Peace Lily

Boasting beautiful green leaves and vibrant white flowers, the peace lily is one of the most popular house plants. If you’re just a beginner in your plant caring journey, then the peace lily is perfect for you because it gives plenty of visual cues about its needs. You only need to water it around once or twice a week, and if you forget, its leaves will wilt soon after to let you know. It can survive in low-light environments, but if you want to see the beautiful white flowers come out, then it’s best to place it somewhere that receives medium to bright indirect light. Be careful though! Peace Lillys are toxic to cats and dogs, so make sure your four legged pals can’t reach it in any way.

Snake Plants

This type of house plant is also known as mother-in-law’s tongue. It’s a hardy plant that can tolerate low light conditions and even high temperatures, making it one of the best indoor plants. However, it does require regular watering and it needs to be misted once in a while when it’s growing really well. It only takes about eight weeks for a snake plant to start producing its lovely foliage, so you can expect your tiny houseplant to look full and lush within two months of growing it in your apartment.


This plant is also known as devil’s ivy. It’s a type of vine with heart-shaped leaves that may be green or marbled green and yellow. While it does well on a windowsill or in a shaded corner of your living room, it can also do well in a hanging basket or potted plant pot. It requires very low maintenance and only needs to be watered once every two weeks.


If you have a green thumb, then succulents may be the perfect plant for you. Succulents are generally easy to care for and they look nice when they’re displayed in a basket or hanging pot. The key is to make sure their soil is damp most of the time but you should avoid overwatering them. They can also handle a lot of sunlight without getting burned, so don’t worry if you often forget to turn off your lights at night.


Herbs are just some of the easiest plants to grow indoors. All you have to do is plop a bunch of seeds into a container, fill it with plain water, and leave it on a windowsill in your kitchen for about a month. After that time period, transplant the herbs into their own pot and water them once every two days until they’re strong enough to be transplanted outdoors. Now you can use your herbs in the kitchen to add flavor to your meals!

No matter which one of the plants you want to grow from our best indoor plants list, there’s always a perfect place for it. Whether you decide to put them in a sunny window, on a windowsill, or place them in your apartment’s main room, house plants are going to make your Glenvale Villas apartment feel like a true home.
