So, you’re moving into an aged care facility. What now?

Moving house is always a stressful and time-consuming task, which is even more relevant if you’re also moving into an aged care facility. While aged care facilities have a lot to offer, it can also be a daunting process and trigger a lot of feelings of anxiety. You may feel anxious about leaving your home, or worried that you are losing some control over your life. These feelings are completely normal! Aged care facilities, especially Glenvale Villas, are there to ease your transition and make the process as smooth as possible. We’ve put together some of our favourite pieces of advice to help make your move into aged care that much easier.

 See the positives

While this can sometimes seem easier said than done, trying to look at the change with a positive outlook can be highly beneficial. If you are making the move into an aged care facility, chances are it is for your own benefit. Perhaps you need a little bit more care and assistance than you used to, and that is totally normal! A move into aged care doesn’t mean losing your independence, it just means that the help is there for you should you need it.

Talk to your loved ones

Talking about how we feel is one of the best ways to navigate difficult emotions. If you are feeling anxious or unsure about your move, open-up to a loved one about it. Voicing your emotions can make you realise that perhaps you’re worrying for little reason! Friends and family can also help you research your new community, or perhaps bring you for visits.

Remember that your new home is yours!

When moving into Glenvale Villas, we encourage you to bring along your treasured belongings, favourite furniture, and cuddly pets! The home you move into is your own, and it’s yours to decorate how you want it. This is a super important part of adjusting to aged care living.

Be active in the community

At Glenvale Villas, we offer many community-wide activities to keep you busy! We frequently arrange group outings, movies, and music performances, as well as physical exercise groups in order to get you moving and socialising. You’re welcome to participate as much or as little as you would like. All of our residents form close friendships and frequently spend time together outside our organised community-wide events.

Ask for Help

Nobody likes to feel as if they need help, but it’s even worse to feel like a fish out of water in a new place. We are here to help you love your new home and make new friends, so just ask us anything you like. That’s why we’re here! Our team has years of experience helping residents, so we already know how you feel and will go out of our way to make you feel welcome. Our community is all about strong ties.

If you are making the move into aged care, remember that we are here to help! You and your family are always welcome to take a tour, and we also offer a “stay on us” option. Through this, you can stay at Glenvale Villas for free and decide if it is the right choice for you before you buy! To get in contact with our friendly team with any questions or concerns, phone us today on 1300 765 051.
