Keeping a balanced diet while we age

Healthy eating equals healthy living. It’s a mantra we live by at Glenvale Villas, and one that isn’t hard to understand. We all get told to eat our veggies when we’re growing up to get big and strong, so why should things change later?

A well-balanced diet keeps us well balanced at any age. Eating a diet comprised of the five food groups is essential to maintaining tip-top health in your golden years. These five food groups are vegetables and beans/legumes, fruit, lean meat, grains, and dairy. Combining this diet with an adequate amount of water will promote a healthy lifestyle and reduce the chance of any health issues.

Foods and their benefits

Fruit, veggies, and legumes


Leafy greens such as spinach and kale are packed full of calcium, folic acid, and other important vitamins. Folic acid supports a healthy nervous system, while calcium plays a large role in bone health. Another important green is broccoli, which is high in vitamin C and K, which is very important for bone health and proper blood clotting.


Many fruits such as strawberries are high in vitamin C which is beneficial to the body due to its antioxidant properties and the role it plays in repairing tissue. Other fruits rich in vitamin C are apples, pears, and pineapples.

Citrus fruits are a great addition to any diet, being high in vitamin C, folic acid, and potassium. An adequate level of potassium in a diet supports the functioning of cells and can assist in regulating the heartbeat and proper function of muscles.


Legumes such as chickpeas, beans, and lentils are extremely high in dietary fibre. This means they play a large part in keeping our bowels healthy and lowering cholesterol levels. Legumes are also broken down slowly so they keep you fuller for longer.


Milk and cheese

Dairy is very high in nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, vitamin b12 and potassium. These all play a large part in promoting healthy bones and teeth. Dairy such as milk and cheese also contains large amounts of protein. Protein is essential to any diet, as it is necessary for many functions in the body. Protein assists in growth and development, immune system regulations and cell repair.


As well as containing the beneficial nutrients of other dairy, yoghurt is extremely high in probiotics. Yoghurts such as natural Greek yoghurt have the highest concentration and are fantastic at supporting gut health. Probiotics regulate the digestive system and may enhance your natural absorption of vitamins and minerals.


Red meat

Red meat is well known to be high in iron. The specific type of iron found in red meat is easily absorbed by the body, making it a great addition to our diet. Red meat is also high in vitamin B12, which assists in keeping our red blood cells healthy.

White meat

The biggest health benefit of eating white meat such as chicken is the protein content. Chicken is very high in protein, with one average serve containing around 24 grams. While protein assists in growth and development and also immune system regulation, another added benefit is help maintaining lean body mass. Chicken is an essential part of any weight loss diet due to this, and its ability to increase feelings of fullness.

Reducing your intake of processed foods and replacing them with any of the foods above with be beneficial to your health. Prioritising your health and diet at any age is important, however, it becomes even more beneficial as we age. Whether you start to include one or all of these foods in your diet more, the benefits are undeniable.


